5 Flower Essences To Get You Through Tough Times

flower essences for tough times

I don’t know about you, but this has been a very chaotic summer. Business, birthday parties, weddings, baby showers, family events, outdoor home chores, work, obligations, responsibilities, you name it!

Prolonged chaotic and stressful times can really take a toll on your energy, leaving you feeling depressed, depleted, overly serious, uninspired and sometimes even resentful.

Luckily, there are flower essences that can help you regain your energy, inspiration and your playful inner child once again!

from $18.00

#1) Jewelweed

❂ Jewelweed gives us a sense of calm, inner-peace and deep relaxation. It makes way for us to let go of fear, frustrations, quick-paced-rushing and anxiety so we can develop a sense of patience and move forward towards a path of inner stillness, enjoyment, and peace.

❂ This is also a great essence for sleep due to insomnia or restlessness AND is said to relieve allergic reactions or irritations of any kind

#2) Wild Cosmos

❂ Cosmos Flower Essence restores our inspiration, focus, clarity and creativity. By unblocking our head and heart. This blockage can be caused from disorganization, a flooding of too many ideas at once that you don’t know were to start.

❂ This essence also works well for those who need support writing or speaking whether its for writing a book, expressing your truth, or even to connect with deeper intuitive thoughts.

from $18.00

from $18.00

#3) Morning Glory

❂ Morning Glory essence awakens the spirit and helps us find our own brilliance and vitality. It is a very rejuvenating and motivating flower and works against lethargy and procrastination. This essence allows us to wake up eagerly in the morning and find the light throughout the day.

❂ Morning Glory helps us accept and find the light and absorb it into the body and soul. With this said, it combats chaos, darkness, and refreshes the body and soul from habits and activities (drinking, late night eating, lack of sleep etc.) that do not give health to it.

❂ This is the perfect essence for those who want to wake up early full of alertness, vitality, and motivation!

#4) Indian Strawberry

❂ Indian Strawberry is a very silly, childlike joy essence. It provides us with the laughter, the goofiness, and the freedom of being a child. This essence will provide tons of energy, vitality, and amusement for you in your life.

from $18.00
from $18.00

#5) Yellow Loosestrife

❂ Yellow Loosestrife Flower Essence comes in when joy has been diminished from your life because of hardships. It allows us to see the beauty and goodness in life again.

❂ In times of chaos, sadness, or challenge, Yellow Loosestrife will be there to mend the heart and support you.

Custom Blend + Consultation
from $60.00

There is also the option of a custom blend to completely tailor to your unique needs.

These flowers are my life, they are my #1 healing tool as well as with home energy healing through various methods.

I know they will work for you as they have worked for me.

May the flowers guide your soul back its to natural state of light, love and vitality,


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❀ Free Masterclass!

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