Free Online Workshops

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Strengthening The Chinese Element Of Water Workshop

❄ learn about the winter season, the water element and the kidneys and gallbladder

❄ learn how FEAR is the emotion of the water element

❄ learn what foods, herbs, flower essences and kundalini meditations work to strengthen the water element

Enhance The Energy Of Your Home Through Decluttering Masterclass

❀ learn more about how clutter detriments the energy of your home

❀ learn how exactly to get started decluttering without overwhelm

❀ partake in exercises that will allow you to focus on who you truly want to be

❀ plus a free downloadable decluttering checklist for your wardrobe

The Five Chinese Element Personalities Webinar

❀ learn about the 5 Chinese elements of wood, water, fire, earth & metal

❀ learn about how the elements appear within our personality and within our home (feng shui)

❀ find out which dominant elements are within you! some have one dominant element and some of us have two!


Removing Abundance Blocks With Flower Essences & More Masterclass

❀ learn about limiting beliefs, how they are created & how you can start to get rid of them

❀ learn about which flower essences can assist you in developing self-worth, confidence & remove limiting beliefs

❀ Learn about how techniques such as eft tapping, pendulum work,& kundalini yoga can benefit you