Living The Enchanted Life

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5 Easy Steps To Raise The Energy Of Your Home

As the season recently turned into fall, we are emerging into a full Metal element season. The Metal element allows us to honor our grief and our spirituality. It allows us to purify, to let go, and to evolve.

You will notice certain projects, ideas, routines, habits and even thoughts that are no longer in alignment with your life start to shed off in the upcoming months. This is certainly a time to finish projects, remove the unnecessary from your calendar and start to focus on inwardly evolving.

So, you might ask, what in the world does this have to do with our home? Well, since the Metal element is all about rejuvenation and purification, I’d love to introduce you to some simple ways to purify and evolve your own home’s energy. It is incredibly important to have your homes energy aligned with your own, and on top of that, have your homes energy be supportive of what it is you need. Lets dive right in!

5 Easy Steps To Heighten The Positive Energy Of Your Home

Step One) Get rid of the clutter

  • For those of you who follow my teachings, I am sure I sound like a broken record… but take a few hours this week and start to purge the easy areas of your home.

  • This may include your digital files, your pantry, your refrigerator, your junk drawers, your bookcase, your office, or even your wardrobe.

  • Do as much as you can without getting overwhelmed and frustrated. Remember, this is to make your life easier!

Step Two) Let ease radiate throughout your home and life

  • Where in your home do you struggle with the most? Is it finding cleaning products because your cleaning products are scattered? Is it finding food to take to work or make for dinner? Is it a messy car that bothers you every time you step into it?

  • Create a schedule, meal plan, to-do list or to-organize list TODAY and make it a priority within the next two weeks! Making your life EASIER should be a #1 priority!

Step Three) Clear out the old energy

  • After decluttering and organizing, there still tends to be some stale or stagnated energy left over. Use the following methods to create a new energetic slate in your home:

    • Sage - This herb is a beautiful helper for you to use. It gets in all of the nooks and cranny’s to create a lighter, fresher feeling home.

    • Chimes - If you REALLY need a powerful energetic do-over, tools that make louder vibrations and noises should be your go to. I love to use my ting-shaws but you can also use a drum, pots and pans, or even your own voice to make old energy new again.

    • Candles - Ask the Fire Element to work with you in clearing out the energy. Just simply stare at the flame and imagine it expanding into the room it is lit in, surrounding the room with its light, and burning away any energy that no longer serves you.

Step Four) Add some intention to get energy working for YOU

  • Intention is everything. You want to place intention throughout your home, something for the energy to do as a job, to really accomplish a lasting shift of energy. Energy can work for us or against us, so if you want your kitchen to be filled with more laughter, your living room to be filled with more play, or your entryway to work towards cleansing your energy when you enter the home, you can do it! You just have to ask the energy in the specific room to work towards your intention, or you can use an object or two (crystals, candles, plants) to radiate out your intention.

Step Five) Brighten up your house with a few projects

  • The more you take care of your house, the more your house takes care of you! Before Winter comes, finish up some fall projects such as staining the porch, outdoor projects, indoor projects, swapping out to your fall or halloween decor, buying new items for your home, selling old, unused items, deep cleaning your house or even getting the air ducts cleaned! Just do something new and fresh to get the energy moving around! Trust me, you won’t regret it!

If you can even do just one of these 5 simple steps, you’ll be on your way to creating some new, refreshed energy in your life and home.

Are you ready to start changing your Home, Body, and Soul to reflect your exact desires, free yourself from the past and finally create the life you want?

You can CLICK HERE to learn more about my HOME, BODY, SOUL coaching services!

You may also like my new freebie and online course!

Enhance The Energy Of Your Home Through Decluttering FREE Masterclass

❀ learn more about how clutter detriments the energy of your home

❀ learn how exactly to get started decluttering without overwhelm

❀ partake in exercises that will allow you to focus on who you truly want to be

❀ plus a free downloadable decluttering checklist for your wardrobe

You can also check out my brand new home decluttering, functionality and organizing course!

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All my love,
