Sweet William (Discovering Life Purpose, Spiritual Growth, Clarity) Flower Essence
This Sweet William Flower Essence (15ml or 30ml) was created in my own yard with love, filtered hose water, all-natural Earth dirt, and lots of nurturing care.
❀ Sweet William essence helps us become aligned with our spiritual mission. It allows us to find inner clarity and surrender our personal agendas on our life journey.
❀ This essence combats lack of direction, lack of interest in life, and repressed fears, and replaces our spirit with the energy of transformation, seeing life and experiencing life with excitement and beauty, and of course, directs us to know our own purpose in life.
❀ Sweet William is a transmuter of energy, bringing negative into positive in all aspects. It works with us to expand, grow to the next level of ourselves and allows us to have emotional and mental shifts to understand our divine truths.
❀ Chakra: Third Eye (Sixth Chakra)
Choose Your Base:
❀ If you chose Brandy Alcohol as a base, it lasts up to 3 years.
❀ If you chose Vegetable Glycerin as a base, it lasts up to 14 months.
Complete Order Includes:
❀ One 15ml or 30ml Flower Essence with the base of your choice
❀ Laminated Info Card
❀ Suggested Kundalini Meditation or Kriya to enhance your vibrational work
Add a Prayer Card for $1.99:
❀ Laminated Prayer Card to be used 4 x per day with the flower essences for 40 days
****Due to the nature of this custom order, there are NO RETURNS/REFUNDS for any purchases once shipped. I apologize for the inconvenience, if you have any questions prior to ordering please ask ****
This Sweet William Flower Essence (15ml or 30ml) was created in my own yard with love, filtered hose water, all-natural Earth dirt, and lots of nurturing care.
❀ Sweet William essence helps us become aligned with our spiritual mission. It allows us to find inner clarity and surrender our personal agendas on our life journey.
❀ This essence combats lack of direction, lack of interest in life, and repressed fears, and replaces our spirit with the energy of transformation, seeing life and experiencing life with excitement and beauty, and of course, directs us to know our own purpose in life.
❀ Sweet William is a transmuter of energy, bringing negative into positive in all aspects. It works with us to expand, grow to the next level of ourselves and allows us to have emotional and mental shifts to understand our divine truths.
❀ Chakra: Third Eye (Sixth Chakra)
Choose Your Base:
❀ If you chose Brandy Alcohol as a base, it lasts up to 3 years.
❀ If you chose Vegetable Glycerin as a base, it lasts up to 14 months.
Complete Order Includes:
❀ One 15ml or 30ml Flower Essence with the base of your choice
❀ Laminated Info Card
❀ Suggested Kundalini Meditation or Kriya to enhance your vibrational work
Add a Prayer Card for $1.99:
❀ Laminated Prayer Card to be used 4 x per day with the flower essences for 40 days
****Due to the nature of this custom order, there are NO RETURNS/REFUNDS for any purchases once shipped. I apologize for the inconvenience, if you have any questions prior to ordering please ask ****
This Sweet William Flower Essence (15ml or 30ml) was created in my own yard with love, filtered hose water, all-natural Earth dirt, and lots of nurturing care.
❀ Sweet William essence helps us become aligned with our spiritual mission. It allows us to find inner clarity and surrender our personal agendas on our life journey.
❀ This essence combats lack of direction, lack of interest in life, and repressed fears, and replaces our spirit with the energy of transformation, seeing life and experiencing life with excitement and beauty, and of course, directs us to know our own purpose in life.
❀ Sweet William is a transmuter of energy, bringing negative into positive in all aspects. It works with us to expand, grow to the next level of ourselves and allows us to have emotional and mental shifts to understand our divine truths.
❀ Chakra: Third Eye (Sixth Chakra)
Choose Your Base:
❀ If you chose Brandy Alcohol as a base, it lasts up to 3 years.
❀ If you chose Vegetable Glycerin as a base, it lasts up to 14 months.
Complete Order Includes:
❀ One 15ml or 30ml Flower Essence with the base of your choice
❀ Laminated Info Card
❀ Suggested Kundalini Meditation or Kriya to enhance your vibrational work
Add a Prayer Card for $1.99:
❀ Laminated Prayer Card to be used 4 x per day with the flower essences for 40 days
****Due to the nature of this custom order, there are NO RETURNS/REFUNDS for any purchases once shipped. I apologize for the inconvenience, if you have any questions prior to ordering please ask ****
What are Flower Essences and how are they used?
❀ Flower essences are forms of vibrational medicine, similar to that of color and crystals. Each flower brings us its own meaning, message, and vibrational healing pattern. There are NO plant parts contained in a flower essence, making them safe for adults, children, and pets (although vegetable glycerin would be the best choice for pets and children). These are NOT essential oils, they have no smell or herbal properties contained.
❀ Flower essences are most often taken 4 drops under the tongue, 4 times per day. This is because the body needs to be introduced to that flower’s particular vibration 4 times per day to start creating shifts in your own body’s vibrational pattern.
❀ Flower essences work to restore our body’s vibrational pattern back to its natural state, love. It helps us create permanent shifts in our auric field guiding us back to a state of purity before societal and limiting beliefs tainted our thoughts, actions, and perspectives. They are non-addictive and do not cause reliance although they are so fun to experiment with!
*These statements are not evaluated by the FDA*